Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Happy April Fool's Day!

I'm a firm believer in the saying, "You've gotta start somewhere" and for my friend April and I, that "somewhere" is a circle around my neighborhood. We're participating in the Purdue Cancer Center Challenge 5K Run/Walk on April 12th. For us, the emphasis will be on the word Walk. We've started with short 15 minute walks and today we decided to be ambitious (and a bit foolish considering the cold, windy weather) by walking 3 miles just to get a feel for what it will feel like on race day.
Here's April and me after our first trial run:
By the end of it, we were both pretty wind-burnt, but we had a fun time.

I hope y'all have a wonderfully fun April Fool's Day! So far, no one has played a trick on me, so all and all, it's been a pretty good day :)

Please note: I'll be spending the weekend in my birth state, Georgia, visiting family, but I will still be checking my email.


Anonymous said...

Good for you! Just make sure you emphasize the 5K more than the mileage! It makes you sound awesomer!! :O)

Chuck said...

Did you play any April fools jokes? I really celebrated this year. I put masking tape with "Happy April Fools Day!" on the bottom of everyones mouse in my office. I got someone with the moveable zip codes thing (you know how you can take your area code with you on your cell phone? Now you can take your zip code when you move!). I taped down the hook lever on the phone for our receptionist so when she picked up the reciever to answer, it would keep ringing. What a good time. I've got to watch my back next year though!

Chuck said...

Oh yea, I had to run the 5k all the time. My best time was 21 min. I hate running. Good luck, and have fun. Let me know how your running is going.