I normally take lots of pictures of my kids. Lately, though, I have been so busy that on my recent trip to Georgia, I realized it had been quite awhile since I had snapped a single shot of my own children. So long, in fact, that as a photographer, I was begininng to feel like my kids were like a shoemaker's child running around barefoot. I decided to do a mini photo shoot on the beautiful campus of the
University of Georgia.
You can see how happy they were about it:

Actually, my son warmed up to the idea. He really loves getting his picture taken, which is great for me. My daughter, on the other hand, continued to act like I was the papparazzi chasing her much of the time.

Here's a few more....

Feeding the baby a leaf....

Striking a pose.....

I sat on these exact steps for a picture almost like this when I was their age.... 
I'm so excited that the weather is starting to warm up around here.
Contact me if you'd like to get together on one of these nice afternoons if you'd like a portrait session!
You've got such beautiful kids. I miss them.
Well, then, you ought to come visit us soon. Our home is always open to you and your family :)
We'd love to. John's feeling a little like the shoemaker's kid of late too. I went through a spurt where he was in front of the camera almost every day for a couple weeks, now I'm having trouble finding new ideas. I just installed a table in my "Darkroom" and plan on starting to make some prints this weekend. I hope to get some up by next week and do a film vs. digital post. That's always a fun topic.
Hi Sarah! Thanks to your comment on Charles's blog, I discovered yours. These are the most beautiful pictures of your sweeties!! It was fun to scroll through your previous blogs. You do take amazing pictures! I loved the pics of the mommy-to-be. I'll definitely be visiting your blog regularly to "catch up". Enjoy your visit with Lue & David. I'll very much miss my walking buddy, but I'm so happy for them and for you.
Sarah, your little girl looks sooooooo much like you! Those are great pics!
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